what sort of word is rheumatoid anyway?
day five. trying to hold on.
“Rheumatoid Disease” has gained popularity in recent years because many patients and healthcare providers feel it better describes the systemic nature of the condition. While arthritis focuses on joint inflammation, RA can affect many body systems including the heart, lungs, eyes, and blood vessels. This term helps acknowledge the full scope of the condition.
I want to build things with my hands but they hurt every time I try to hold anything. Can I build without grip? I need a grip on things.
Today, I got to the office in less than 30 minutes. It was the easiest commute ever (to work, that is). When I was coming back, it took 2 hours. They said Tinubu blocked the road. What a country.
“Atrophic Arthritis” refers to the characteristic way RA can cause muscle and bone loss around affected joints over time. This term is less commonly used today but appears in older medical literature.
Arthritis is one of those words that just feels like it’s all consonants. All clunky and legos-bouncing-against-each-other-in-a-scratching sort of way. Just like my joints.
My boss says we have a lot to do this year. I am already tired in advance. I got a net fixed in my room today. I’ll get the one in living room done later. Setting up a new place is really draining me. I am not used to the discomfort. Is anyone?
“Rheumatoid Factor Positive Arthritis” was used historically because many (but not all) RA patients test positive for rheumatoid factor in their blood. However, since about 20% of RA patients are rheumatoid factor negative, this term has fallen out of favor.
I worry that I flit between obssessive interest and deep nonchalance. No moderation. Like I eat. Like I treat everything. There’s a deep tiredness in my soul. I feel like I’m pouring all my energy down a basket. Nothing holds. I want to hold but my hands hurt.
The pain is in my back sometimes. After the gym. When I stand for too long. When I sit for too long. It’s in my ankles sometimes. My elbows and forearms. It’s in my head.
“Inflammatory Polyarthritis” and “Symmetrical Polyarthritis” are more technical terms often used in medical documentation. “Poly” means many joints are involved & “Symmetrical” refers to how RA typically affects the same joints on both sides of the body.
Nothing holds. Why won’t anything just hold? Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold. Achebe — the front and the sides too. I want more. I’m trying to hold on to my dreams but my hands hurt.
Oluchukwu’s note: I intend to publish something every day this year. Obviously, this is a herculean task for me (you all know how much space there is between stuff I have written recently) but I will give it my very best shot. I hope you will show up with me ❤